When In Need Foundation
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WiN CEO receives PA 190th Legislative District Image Award.

On April 16, The CEO of When In Need Foundation, Ms Chetachi Ecton received the 190th Legislative District Image Award which was presented by State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown.
The 190th Legislative District Image Award is awarded to women that reside or serve in the 190th Legislative District and exemplify the principles of hard work, personal achievement and perseverance. The theme of the occasion was “Women Working Together for Change”. Over the last several decades, the contributions of women have come to revolutionize every facet of our society. From the bold and decisive action of Ms. Rosa Parks, the “Mother of the Freedom Movement,” who defied the South’s reprehensible Jim Crow system, to the tireless social advocacy of the first African American First Lady of the United States of America, Michelle Obama, we have had a vast number of notable women leaders who are responsible for positively shaping our nation’s history. Many of these dynamic women have fought for and dedicated their lives to securing the rights and liberties that we all enjoy today. The Award was formally presented at the Christian Stronghold Church, 4701 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. When In Need Foundation will always strive to do ordinary things extraordinarily well.  1 2 3 4 5 6

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