When In Need journeys to Casa Pintalunas in Olivos, Argentina.
Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone’s day… When In Need Foundation’s Mission of Mercy team visited Casa Pintalunas in Buenos Aires Argentina to bless, support and share love with the residents. The facility houses 12 residents that includes 2 month old babies to 17 year olds who have various disabilities and medical conditions. Leading the WinWithMom Mission of Mercy was the CEO Ms. Ecton and George Onuorah providing media support, Kerume Dunkley, Chinyere Dunkley, Chioma as well as Mariano Ureta and Translator Sophia Duggan. This culminated to the conclusion of the WinWithMom South America Mission trip. Let’s not wait for other people to be loving, giving, compassionate, grateful, forgiving, generous, or friendly… Let’s lead the way!”