When In Need Foundation
When In Need Foundation
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Mission of Mercy visits Aurore Women’s Shelter in Paris.

On Friday, July 31, When in Need Foundation team successfully undertook another Mission of Mercy in Paris, the 2nd stop of its four country W.I.N With Mom European philanthropic tour. Aimed at visiting, engaging and donating to orphanages, centers and hostels serving people in need, When in Need Foundation team was led by Founder/CEO Ms. Chetachi Ecton and Media Director George Onuorah, including others team members, Mr. Gaby, Chioma Dunkley and Chinyere Dunkley. Since 1993, …Aurore Women Homeless Shelter, located within the periphery of Paris has been addressing the issue of homelessness especially in a city famous for her love of arts, culture and history of liberal emancipation. This shelter appropriately called “The Heart of A Woman” has 40 residents, 36 female and 4 couples from various nationalities such as Haiti, Senegal, Russia, Gambia, Central African Republic and Chechnya among others.
When in Need Foundation team was welcomed with much love and warmth by Ms. Angelique Serenge, the facility manager and team members, in addition to lovely rhythms of international music and the smell of various delicacies. Coincidentally, the When In Need team happened to have visited during the Feast Day! Ms. Ecton expressed her profound gratitude to the administration, staff and residents of the Center for the warm welcome. She shared the vision of WIN Foundation’s mission of mercy aimed at giving back and helping women and children in need, orphans, disabled and homeless individuals. Inspired by the work of Mother Theresa and her upbringing, Ms Ecton shared her personal story of looking after her siblings and family members in addition to balancing a challenging role of constantly helping to solve never-ending-problems and needs in her community. Much needed amenities were donated to the facility by WiN Foundation. Let’s not forget Life’s most urgent question which is “What are you doing for others today?” To support our mission and lend a helping hand to those in need, please support our cause at www.winfound.org 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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